Thursday, June 4, 2009

San Diego Rock And Roll Marathon Race Report

Wow, what a fun weekend! We arrived in CA on Friday and met with Matt's family. We had a great time visiting! I went to sleep at about 8pm to try to get as much rest as possible. It was a long, busy week! Saturday I did my 2 miles, we hit the expo, went back to Marisa's and relaxed for the rest of the evening. I purchased a 3:20 pace bracelet at the expo just for kicks. Matt was encouraging me to go for it, but I still did not feel strong enough to run that pace so close to Boston.

On Sunday morning, we left for the race at 5:40. It was grey and misty outside. It was good to leave so late, I didn't have time to sit at the start and make myself nervous! The gun went off at 6:30am and we were on a roll. There were a ton of people running, so my first few miles were not as fast as I would have liked. However, I felt AWESOME! I think all of the rest paid off. Last year, at mile 6 I was feeling bad! I felt great until about mile 21. I wanted to walk so badly. I also was really craving a coca-cola. I almost stopped at a med-tent to ask for one! But I just kept on going. I ran through all 3 of the areas that I had to walk in last year!

Mile 10

At mile 25.75 we entered the Marine Base. It is so awesome and inspiring. I LOVE ending there. This is the last year ever that the marathon will end there. I am so glad I got to be a part of it.

Marine Base

So close!

I saw the finish line and it did not reach 3:20 yet and I know I was almost there. I was going to break 3:20!!! I kicked it in and crossed the finish line at 3:19:23!
I cried at the end. Never, ever, would I had thought I was going to break 3:20, especially on a course as hard as San Diego. I honestly believe it is harder and hillier than Boston.

After the race, I got my 2 free beers, purchased a long-sleeve tee as my reward for PR'ing, and we went back to Marisa's to rest and shower. I was EXHAUSTED!!!

Calling Mom and Dad

I am so motivated to start training again. My next 5k is on 6/14. Should be interesting!

Amanda, Marisa, me, Lukas at the finish

Here are my official results. I was 15th in my age group, the 46th woman to cross the finish line! That is huge! My name was in the newspaper for top female finishers! There were 13,377 finishers and 6509 females.
I am really, really happy with my performance!

Run strong friends!

Matt and Lukas at Karl Strauss post-race

My Splits-
Mile 1-7:55 Mile 14- 7:29
Mile 2- 7:24 Mile 15- 7:30
Mile 3- 7:17 Mile 16- 7:33
Mile 4- 6:57 Mile 17- 7:27
Mile 5- 7:15 Mile 18- 7:31
Mile 6- 7:25 Mile 19- 7:31
Mile 7- 7:32 Mile 20- 7:41
Mile 8- 7:32 Mile 21- 7:51
Mile 9- 7:47 Mile 22- 8:04
Mile 10- 7:33 Mile 23- 8:01
Mile 11- 7:02 Mile 24- 8:08
Mile 12- 7:30 Mile 25- 7:44
Mile 13- 7:23 Mile 26- 7:41 386yards- 7:09

1 comment:

Terri and Mark said...

Love the BIG smile at the finish!! Your an inspiration Girl!!!