Saturday, December 20, 2008

Ariana's Latvia Trip

Wow, it has been quite sometime since we have posted. I am not very computer savvy so Matt had to show me how again! :)
We have a lot to share so we will start with the trip I took to Latvia with my mom Rita, dad Andris, sister Marisa, and brother Lukas in July 2008.
We had an amazing time and I feel so lucky and blessed to have had this opportunity. Why Latvia? I am 100% Latvian. For those of you who don't know, Latvia is a small Baltic country on the Baltic Sea. Latvia It was quite an emotional trip as we were able to see many historical sites and even the childhood home of my late Grandfather. This trip made me appreciate where I come from and the trials my family, and all Latvians had to go through for freedom. You see, Latvia was under communist rule until 1991. I am amazed at Latvia's history and I am so proud to have my heritage lie in such an amazing country.
Read more about Latvia at Wikipedia for a quick lesson! :) History Lesson
I hope you enjoy my pictures.

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