Sunday, September 20, 2009

Birthday Fun!

We went to Four Peaks last night to celebrate my birthday and to watch the ASU game. (GREAT WIN!) It was so nice to be celebrating with friends! They are all so special to me and like my friend Terri said, we are all so blessed to have each other!

I wished my family could have been out, but next year, for the big 3-0! (However, I am thinking family/friend trip to Napa.... who's in?) :)

We also really missed Shannon and Mike. Shannon got really sick and was in the E.R. Poor little thing. (That didn't stop her from doing a 9 mile run yesterday morning though! She is a tough cookie, or pretty much us runners are all plain crazy!) She has some meds and is at home recuperating. It really wasn't the same without them! xoxoxo

Pics from the night: We are missing our good friends Jason and Sharon, and also Donovan. We broke out the camera too late!

Mark and Terri, amazing hearts. :)
My first grade teacher friend Amy. We are kindred spirits!
Terri and Kevin-Kevin works with Matt and is so nice and can make you laugh at the drop of a hat!

Mark and Wendy- Our fellow running friends.
Rick and Lynne- They have an amazing love story and not only are they runners, but triathletes too! Super sweet. :)Brett and Alanna- Amazing athletes and one of the nicest couples you will ever meet. I am so happy to get to know them better!
We all just have such a great time together, it was such an awesome birthday! :)


Moe Leah and Khalina said...

How fun! Happy birthday!

Terri and Mark said...

What a fun evening!!
BTW, I'm SO in for Napa next year!! Bring on the Vino baby!!!